DEMOCRACY DAY: Gov. AbdulRazaq Congratulate Nigerians on Nation’s 25 years of uninterrupted democratic journey.

Today, Democracy Day, I congratulate Nigerians on our nation’s 25 years of uninterrupted democratic journey.

We honour the memories of the heroes and heroines who bravely struggled for the current democratic dispensation we enjoy as a nation.

It is paramount to uphold their sacrifices by demonstrating patriotism at all times and contributing to developmental efforts that strengthen our democratic experience.

We may face a few challenges in this journey. We must, however, remain resolute, unbroken, and recommit to the ideals of democracy to build a more prosperous and enduring nation.

Happy Democracy Day.

AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq CON
Kwara State Governor/Chairman, Nigeria Governors’ Forum

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